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DE 16R25-40B Kromschroder

DE 16R25-40B
Дополнительный Артикул
для metering gas where no calibration is required, display of the quantity consumed, key-date value, key date, current flow rate and high resolution of the quantity consumed, with E200 pulse generator · Nominal flow rate: 16 m3/h, measuring range: 2-25 m3/h(b) · Rp internal thread · DN 25, E200: 500 pulses/m3 · pu max. 4 bar, для gas and air · M-Bus interface Запасная часть
156 200 руб.
2,60 кг
Flow meter with electronic index

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Бренд: Kromschroder
Описание: для monitoring air and flue gas pressures, для positive pressure, negative pressure and differential pressure, EU certified · Adjusting range: 0.3-3 mbar, can be used as ''special-design pressure switch'' · Flat plugs, tube connection and adjusting screw · With gold contacts · Electrical connection via AMP plugs Запасная часть
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Бренд: Kromschroder
Описание: With (polypropylene) fleece filter pads, для cleaning gas (natural gas, town gas, LPG, biologically produced methane) and air, EU certified · DN 32 · Rp internal thread · pu max. 1 bar · Pressure test point at the inlet and outlet Запасная часть
Артикул: TAS 32IA50
Бренд: Kromschroder
Описание: для protecting downstream controls in the event of fire, для натурального газа, town gas and LPG, DIN-DVGW tested and registered · DN 32 · Rp internal thread connection at the inlet · R external thread connection at the outlet · pu max. 5 bar Запасная часть